Landis Fire Department

Serving our Town with Pride and Enthusiasm

The Landis Fire Department is comprised of paid staff (full-time and part-time) and volunteer members. The fire department operates out of two stations which house 3 engine companies, 1 ladder company, a brush truck, a squad company, a hazardous materials unit, a mobile light tower, an antique fire engine, and staff vehicles. The department serves approximately 4,900 citizens, expanding over 5 square miles of territory, including 45 miles of roadway. The Landis Fire Department responds to all fire service calls within the municipality and fire district, to include the East Landis Fire District.

The Landis Fire Department was recently awarded an improved Insurance Service Office (ISO) Rating of a Class 2 for both its municipal and rural service districts. 

The Landis Fire Department is comprised of skilled men and women that provide fire suppression, basic emergency medical services, technical rescue, and many other skilled services. Over the years, our calls for service have seen a drastic increase as the town continues to expand and grow. On average, the department responds to over 900 calls a year.

The Landis Fire Department offers many fire prevention programs which include fire extinguisher training, CPR classes, Basic First Aid classes, School Fire Safety programs, smoke detector installation and battery changes, Child Passenger Safety Seat inspections, fire station tours and apparatus demonstrations. If you are interested in attending any of these classes, or would like to schedule a tour or demonstration, please feel contact the fire department at 704-857-1269 or Landis Town Hall at 704-857-2411.

We welcome our citizens to come by and meet our staff, ask questions, and take a tour of our stations and apparatus.

Fire Dept. Contact Information

Station 44 (Town Hall)

Landis Station # 2
312 S. Main St
Landis, NC 28088

Station 58 (Police Department)

Landis Station # 1
136 N. Central Ave
Landis, NC 28088

Phone: (704) 855-1269

Fax: (704) 855-3932

Emergency Number: 9-1-1

Non-Emergency Dispatch Number:

(704) 216-8500

Mailing Address:
Landis Fire Department
P.O. Box 8165
Landis, NC 28088

Policy & Procedures

The Landis Fire Department is committed to providing professional and transparent fire services to the community. Therefore, we have published our department’s Policy & Procedure Manual online for public review and inspection.

Fire Stations & Apparatus

Station 44 (Town Hall) Landis Station # 2

312 S. Main St
Landis, NC 28088

  • Engine 443, 2005 Pierce Arrow XT (1500 gpm pump, 950 gal. booster tank)
  • Add Engine 441, 2023 KME FC 94 (2000gpm pump, 1000 gal booster tank)
  • Car 44, 2010 Dodge Charger (personnel carrier/secondary medical unit)
  • Chief’s Vehicle, 2021 Ram 1500 

Station 58 (Police Department) Landis Station # 1

136 N. Central Ave
Landis, NC 28088

  • Ladder 58, 2007 HME 75′ aerial (2000 gpm pump, 400 gal. booster tank)
  • Old Engine #1 (Retired), 1947 American LaFrance Parade Apparatus
  • Engine 442, 1986 Seagrave HB-50DF (1500 gpm pump, 750 gal. booster tank)

Knox Box Secure Systems

Do you own a commercial business? Do you have an elderly family member that lives alone? Knox Box Secure Systems gives the availability for fire departments to make easy access to your business or home without damaging your property.

Save yourself time and money by not having to replace doors or windows that firefighters may have to force open to get to a loved one, to silence a fire alarm, or to stop a leaking sprinkler head.

Knox Box Secure Systems allows fire departments to retain a key to access your Knox Box at your home or business to gain access to one or more keys that open your doors on the property.

Contact our Knox Box Secure System program coordinator, Captain Charles Sheeks, for more information.

Knox Box

Burning of Trash

The burning of trash is always prohibited.


Citizens should note that the burning of leaves, grass, and other such materials is also prohibited within the Town of Landis because the Town of Landis provides debris removal of limbs and leaves, provided they are placed at curbside during designated times of the year.

Citizens who live outside the Town of Landis and do not have debris removal services, should first acquire a burn permit from the North Carolina Forestry Service prior to any planned burning.

Open Burning – NC Department of Environmental Quality


Burning Questions FAQ – NC Department of Environmental Quality

NC Forestry Service Burn Permit Application

Join the Landis Fire Department

The Landis Fire Department is a combination department comprised of both paid and volunteer members. The department is continually looking for new and dedicated people to join our team. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a firefighter, please complete the Town of Landis application and submit it to Town Hall or any member of the fire department.

Ride-Along Program

The Landis Fire Department provides ride-along opportunities to approved individuals. Citizens desiring to participate in the ride-along program must apply for and obtain permission from the Town of Landis Fire Department. The Fire Chief, or his or her designee, will consider the reason the applicant wishes to participate, along with the frequency, duration, and hours requested.

To participate in the Fire Department Ride-Along Program, the applicant shall meet the following criteria, or fall within an exception outlined below:

  • Each participant must be at least sixteen (16) years of age or older. Any ride-along participant under the age of eighteen (18), must have signed permission of a parent or legal guardian as required on the Application and Release of Liability Agreement.
  • Each participant should be in good health and be free of any conditions that may restrict department personnel from performing their official duties. Individuals with severe or communicable illnesses will need to reschedule their approved ride-along to a time when the participant is no longer ill. The Department will, to the extent possible, make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to any person interested in participating in the ride-along program.
  • Applicants must read and complete a written application and acknowledge the risks associated with participation in the ride-along program through the execution of a written Release of Liability Agreement.
  • Applicants must agree to keep personal and protected information gained during the ride-along confidential.
  • Applicants shall not have been convicted of a felony, serious criminal or traffic offense or have been named in a protection order or restraining order granted by the court within the previous year.
  • Applicants shall not be named as a defendant in a pending criminal case.
  • Applicants must consent to the Town of Landis conducting a criminal background check and may be required to pay for the actual costs of such background check.
  • Each participant shall agree to follow all directions of the on-shift Officer to which they are assigned, as well as all rules of the ride-along program and/or the Town of Landis.